MUN Dais Ref Book


Before Meeting & Roll Call

  1. Delegates, please be seated. Our conference will begin in a few minutes.
  2. Now [the conference / session [Number]] officially begins.
  3. I will yield my time to the rapporteur, who will now do the roll call.
  4. \Rapporteur:\ I will call the full name of each country in turn. The delegate of the country that is called, please raise your placard and say present.
  5. [Country Name]. [Country Name] is present (and voting) / absent.
  6. With [Number] countries present and [Number] countries absent, the simple majority is [Number], the two-thirds majority is [Number], and the twenty percent majority is [Number]. Now I will yield my time to Chair.

Point & Right to Reply

  1. Point goes first.
  2. Granted.
  3. The delegate of [Country Name], you have one minute to explain your motion.
  4. The delegate of [Country Name], you have one minute to reply.
  5. Sorry, that is out of order.
  6. (Dais) apologizes.

Formal Debate

  1. Thank you, rapporteur. Now the formal debate begins, and the Dais will open the general speakers’ list, and countries which would like to be added to the general speakers’ list, please raise your placards (high and firmly).
  2. Thank you, delegates. In the following conference, if any country is willing to be added to the list, please send a page to the Dais.
  3. For the general speakers’ list, the Dais will play a knock sound when there’re thirty seconds left.
  4. The delegate of [Country Name], now you have [Time Latency] to address your body. The delegate of [Country Name], please get ready and wait [next to the projection screen (right there)].
  5. The delegate of [Country Name], you still have [Time Latency] left. How would you like to yield your time?
  6. Since there're only [Time Latency] left, it is automatically elapsed.
  7. Thank you, the delegate of [Country Name].
  8. (Times up.) Thank you, the delegate of [Country Name]. The delegate of [Country Name], now the floor is yours, and you’ll have two minutes to address your body.
  9. Are there any [comments / questions] on the floor?

Informal Debate

  1. Are there any points or motions on the floor?
  2. See none, we will go back to the Main Speakers’ List.
  3. Now the dais has received a motion (for a moderated caucus / to prolong the previous motion) from the delegate of [Country Name]. The topic is [Topic], the total time is [Total Time] and [one / [Single Time]] for each (delegate).
  4. The dais suggests you [shorten / clarify / specify] your topic (to …).
  5. Are there any second?
  6. Sorry, this motion (clearly) failed.
  7. Thank you, the delegate of [Country Name]. Countries that are favor in this motion, please raise your placards.
  8. \If Necessary:\ Or oppose?
  9. \If Necessary:\ The Dais would like to emphasize that all countries should vote for favor or oppose. Abstain is not available in this kind of vote process. Now we will vote again.
  10. This motion passes, and the delegate of [Country Name] will automatically be the first country to speak.
  11. This motion passes. (Since this is a prolonged motion, [Country Name] will not be automatically added to the top of the list.)
  12. Countries that are willing to speak in this motion, please raise your placards (high and firmly).
  13. See none, the dais will randomly pick. Countries who have voted for favor, please raise your placards high and firmly. [Randomly Pick]… We will cut it from here.
  14. (See none,) we will cut it from here.
  15. (Optional) See none, this motion automatically expires.
  16. (Thank you, the delegate of [Country Name]). The delegate of [Country Name], now (the floor is yours, and) you have [Time Latency] to [address your body / express your opinion]. The delegate of [Country Name], please get ready (at [Place] / ).
  17. (Times up!) Thank you, delegate (of [Country Name]). \goto 16\
  18. (There's [Time Latency] left, and) We can still add [Number] countries to this motion. \goto 12\
  19. Since there is only [Time Latency] left, this motion automatically expired.
  20. De-quarrel (, delegates)!

Un-Moderated Caucus

  1. \If Necessary\ Now the dais would like to see (a motion for an / a motion to) unmoderated caucus.
  2. Now the dais has received a motion for an unmoderated caucus from the delegate of [Country Name], and the total time is [Total Time].
  3. The dais suggest you shorten your time to [Time Latency].
  4. Are there any seconds? Thank you, delegates. Countries that are favor in this motion, please raise your placards.
  5. (Sorry,) This motion failes.
  6. This motion clearly passes. (Delegates, please use your time wisely.)
  7. Times up. Delegates, please be seated.

Tea Break

  1. Now the dais would like to see a motion for a fifteen-minute tea break. Are there any points or motions on the floor? [Country Name]. ...Now the dais have received a motion for a tea break from the delegate of [Country Name]. Are there any seconds? Thank you, delegates. Countries that are favor in this motion, please raise up your placards. This motion clearly passes.
  2. Delegates, please be seated. Our counference will continue soon.

Suspend the Meeting

  1. Now the dais would like to see a motion to suspend the meeting. Are there any points or motions on the floor? [Country Name].
  2. Now the dais have received a motion to suspend the meeting from the delegate of [Country Name]. Are there any seconds? Thank you, delegates. Countries that are in favor of this motion, please raise your placards.
  3. This motion clearly passes.
  4. Sorry, this motion failes.
  5. Now the dais would like to change the official working languange into Chinese.

Introduce Working Paper

  1. Now the dais have received Working Paper [WP No.]. Our volunteers have hand it out to all delegates. If any delegates haven't got a copy, please send a page to Dais, or contact volunteers for help. Delegates, now you have three minuts to read this Draft Resolution.
  2. Times up. Now the dais would like to see a motion to discuss Working Paper [WP No.]. Are there any points or motions on the floor?

Introduce Draft Resolutions

  1. Now the dais has received Draft Resolution [DR No.]. Our volunteers have hand it out to all delegates. If any delegates haven't got a copy, please send a page to Dais, or contact volunteers for help. Delegates, now you have three minuts to read this Draft Resolution.
  2. Times up. Now the dais would like to see a motion to discuss Draft Resolution [DR No.]. Are there any points or motions on the floor?